”社会”芸術社会活動 Art Social Activities









Masa Hayamiは2023年より、福祉・ケアギバーとしてのキャリア、仕事をスタートしました


 医療介護、ケアギバー等の仕事から得られる様々な経験や感じたことは、未来書道等の言葉に埋め込まれ、AI等で調和制作されていました。(見守り、身体介護、調理、心のケア、等各種介助)Masaにとっては、生きている上での様々な経験こそ、芸術、”命芸術・Life Art“だと思っています。




















Masa Hayami













障害児童発達支援/ 放課後デイサービス




















Listen to my inner guide and Follow what interests me

The more I do AI art, the more I feel this



Masa Hayami started her career and work as a caregiver in 2023.

She started her work experience at various facilities through an internship with the Tokyo Welfare Bureau.

Currently in 2024, she is gaining various experiences in single day jobs.

(In Japan, medical caregiving is not a popular job compared to other occupations, starting at minimum wage,

and there are not many workers in this field.


The various experiences gained from working as nursing, caregiver, reembedded in words in her future calligraphy, and harmonized production by AI.

(various types of assistance, caregiving,  such as looking after people, physical care, nursing, cooking, mental care, etc.)


For Masa, the various experiences of life are Art, and it's “Life Art".


She has been questioning  the pursuit of Art, and just creating according in limited frames.

 She felt that her Art is the pursuit of life and soul, then by placing herself in such life environment, she believe that she could createbetter activities and better works of Art, so she took actions.

She felt that her own frame of reference and experience were not enough, and shallow to create Art.

Masa always aims for deep Art.




Over the last year, she has been working for “Timiee”, (a popular day job application in Japan now) for nursing care, caregiver and day care for children with developmental disabilities,as part of her Art activities and social activities.

She has felt many things from these experiences and been reflecting them in her Art.



She has recently been thinking about building a facilities for the developmentally disabled, which has become a social problem in Japan, and which is inadequate at the moment.

(*If you are interested sponsoring this project, please contact.)


Fortunately , she has actually had the opportunity to work at the famous conpany, head office of Timee for a few months as an irregular employee.

Timee provides very innovative way of working for Japanese people and affecting lives of Japanese so much.



Their system allows people to apply through an app and work for a few hours at a time that fits their lifestyle and spare time. From there, long-term employment is also available.

Without Timiee, she says she would not have had the inspiration to work as an artist she is today.



"I have been working as an inside sales representative for Timee head office in Tokyo.

Make clients and customers happy.

After shifting to that kind of thinking and mindset, the results went up.



It’s not good if you have a selfcentered mindset which you think , “I did all this! Why ? “

Make the other person happy, and you will be happy too.

I learned this from inside sales."She says.


And as her next step, she has decided to go a little further and work for another company from end of year 2024, under the contract, on the path of inside sales.


She believes that the Art of the future, is not just a form of self-expression or pursuit, but based on the “happiness of all people”and their “hearts”.


She has always loved and excelled at sales and marketing, but working at Timiee’s has given her the opportunity to realize

the "true nature of essentials" in this world and business, once again.



"I have lived my life by valuing fate, timing, and my intuition.

I want continue to do so.

I will continue to live my life in this way, and keep doing what I believe."


Masa Hayami







 List of her nursing・caregiver activities and careers:


Develpment support for children with disabilities /after-school day care service
Disability chilidren support facility

Geriatric Care Facility

Dementia Care Facility

Day Care Facility

Residential/Nursing Home

Early Childhood Community Space

International School
